FocusOn Image Viewer


Supported File Formats

* You need to install Ghostscript for the file formats that require Ghostscript. (Ghostscript Downloads)

NameDescriptionReadWriteRequires Ghostscript
3FRHasselblad CFV/H3D39II*
AAIAAI Dune image**
AIAdobe Illustrator CS2***
ARTPFS: 1st Publisher Clip Art**
ARWSony Alpha Raw Image Format*
AVSAVS X image**
BIEJoint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format**
BMPMicrosoft Windows bitmap image**
BRFBRF ASCII Braille format *
CALContinuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support Type 1**
CALSContinuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support Type 1**
CINCineon Image File**
CIPCisco IP phone image format *
CR2Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format*
CRWCanon Digital Camera Raw Image Format*
CURMicrosoft icon**
DCMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine image*
DCRKodak Digital Camera Raw Image File*
DCXZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush**
DDSMicrosoft DirectDraw Surface**
DFONTMulti-face font package*
DNGDigital Negative*
DPXSMPTE 268M-2003 (DPX 2.0)**
DXT1Microsoft DirectDraw Surface**
DXT5Microsoft DirectDraw Surface**
EPDFEncapsulated Portable Document Format***
EPIEncapsulated PostScript Interchange format***
EPSEncapsulated PostScript***
EPS2Level II Encapsulated PostScript *
EPS3Level III Encapsulated PostScript *
EPSFEncapsulated PostScript***
EPSIEncapsulated PostScript Interchange format***
EPTEncapsulated PostScript with TIFF preview***
EPT2Encapsulated PostScript Level II with TIFF preview***
EPT3Encapsulated PostScript Level III with TIFF preview***
ERFEpson RAW Format*
FAXGroup 3 FAX**
FITSFlexible Image Transport System**
FTSFlexible Image Transport System**
G3Group 3 FAX**
GIFCompuServe graphics interchange format**
HDRRadiance RGBE image format**
HRZSlow Scan TeleVision**
HTMHypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map *
HTMLHypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map *
ICBTruevision Targa image**
ICOMicrosoft icon**
ICONMicrosoft icon**
IPLIPL Image Sequence**
ISOBRLISO/TR 11548-1 format *
J2CJPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax**
J2KJPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax**
JBGJoint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format**
JBIGJoint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format**
JNGJPEG Network Graphics**
JNXGarmin tile format*
JP2JPEG-2000 File Format Syntax**
JPCJPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax**
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format**
JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format**
JPXJPEG-2000 File Format Syntax**
K25Kodak Digital Camera Raw Image Format*
KDCKodak Digital Camera Raw Image Format*
MATMATLAB level 5 image format**
MEFMamiya Raw Image File*
MIFFMagick Image File Format**
MNGMultiple-image Network Graphics**
MRWSony (Minolta) Raw Image File*
MSLMagick Scripting Language**
MTVMTV Raytracing image format**
NEFNikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File*
NRWNikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File*
ORFOlympus Digital Camera Raw Image File*
OTBOn-the-air bitmap**
OTFOpen Type font*
PALMPalm pixmap**
PAMCommon 2-dimensional bitmap format**
PBMPortable bitmap format (black and white)**
PCDPhoto CD**
PCDSPhoto CD**
PCLPrinter Control Language**
PCTApple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT**
PCXZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush**
PDBPalm Database ImageViewer Format**
PDFPortable Document Format***
PDFAPortable Document Archive Format***
PEFPentax Electronic File*
PESEmbrid Embroidery Format*
PFAPostscript Type 1 font (ASCII)*
PFBPostscript Type 1 font (binary)*
PFMPortable float format**
PGMPortable graymap format (gray scale)**
PGXJPEG-2000 VM Format*
PICONPersonal Icon**
PICTApple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT**
PIXAlias/Wavefront RLE image format*
PNGPortable Network Graphics**
PNMPortable anymap**
PPMPortable pixmap format (color)**
PS2Level II PostScript *
PS3Level III PostScript *
PSBAdobe Large Document Format**
PSDAdobe Photoshop bitmap**
PTIFPyramid encoded TIFF**
PWPSeattle Film Works*
RAFFuji CCD-RAW Graphic File*
RASSUN Rasterfile**
RGFLEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robot Graphic Format (black and white)**
RLAAlias/Wavefront image*
RLEUtah Run length encoded image*
RW2Panasonic Lumix Raw Image*
SCTScitex HandShake*
SFWSeattle Film Works*
SGIIrix RGB image**
SHTMLHypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map *
SPARSE-COLORSparse Color *
SR2Sony Raw Format 2*
SRFSony Raw Format*
SUNSUN Rasterfile**
SVGScalable Vector Graphics**
SVGZCompressed Scalable Vector Graphics**
TGATruevision Targa image**
TIFTagged Image File Format**
TIFFTagged Image File Format**
TTCTrueType font collection*
TTFTrueType font*
UBRLUnicode Text format *
UILX-Motif UIL table *
VDATruevision Targa image**
VICARVICAR rasterfile format**
VIFFKhoros Visualization image**
VSTTruevision Targa image**
WBMPWireless Bitmap (level 0) image**
WEBPWebP Image Format**
WPGWord Perfect Graphics*
X3FSigma Camera RAW Picture File*
XBMX Windows system bitmap (black and white)**
XCFGIMP image*
XPMX Windows system pixmap (color)**
XPSMicrosoft XML Paper Specification* *
XVKhoros Visualization image**